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Full Name 0665 - Age of Empires - The Age of Kings (E)(M3).7z
Filesize 25.4 MB
Region Europe
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Is there any games that are like this? one cos i really like it but ive completed it
I think this is a awesome game for the DS. Of course its not as good as the pc version but you cant take that on long trips with you like you can with your DS. The best bit is being able to have 4 of you play on the same DS, its great when i go on school trips.
OLD-COMMENT,TO Lisje: It DOES work. Just dont talk Dutch; Read to rules. English only. :l I'm SO dissapointed about this. Through (and everyone says this too) THE PC IS BETTER.
please english lisje
Hij doet het niet eens vet dom
not as gud as the pc version
Can you put cheats in like on the PC?
Dont like the play mode is so static and different from the pc version that there is no rts and live action. Every batle is fought by the nintendo leaving you all the time as a mere spectator. Guess the age of mythologies is far better.
i loved the pc version and am hoping it is like red alert on PlayStation!
Hi dose this work on ttds