Hotel Dusk - Room 215 USA

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Full Name | 0823 - Hotel Dusk - Room 215 (U).7z |
Filesize | 63.7 MB |
Region | USA |
Can Download | No |
Rating |
a real underated if not the most underated game on the ds
a classic
Great storyline, and characters. Fun to play, although it can get difficult. It's a full out mystery adventure game, so it takes a lot of time. Not for those who want a mindless quick fix game.
when i see Room 215 i really thought it was a ghost story nds game lol
This is an absolute gem, great story great graphics, all around great game.
A real gem of a game. One of the best - if not THE best - adventure/point & click style game available on the DS. A compelling art style, impressive 3-D graphics for the DS, a twisting, complicated story populated with layered characters, and very well written dialog. It's not perfect (the soundtrack is mostly forgettable, the interface can feel a little clunky at times, and there's not really any incentive to start a second playthrough once it's over), but if you're a fan of old school style adventure games, you're not going to find much better on the system.
If you're not into reading or are looking for frantic action and minigames out the ass, this probably isn't the game for you.
Yeah the story is great even the game play is good,
the only bad thing is the background, its not very detailed and every time I play this game, I feel like I'm going to throw up,*throws out*
whops there goes my breakfast....
I know that I will get used to this sensation just liked I did with first person
Pretty amazing game imo, the story is really good, and the style is also so. You hold the game like a book and there's lots of reading. The gameplay can be somewhat confusing, but it's nothing you can't get used to.
I had a problem where i played and saved, and turned my DS off. Later on when I wanted to continue playing, my file was somehow erased. (NDSLite, M3DSReal, latest firmware)
I had to play the game without ever turning the DS off, I don't do that to every game, you know. It's worth it :)
The sketched style of this game was absolutely fantastic. I really loved the art for a lot of this game and the way all the characters moved. They were really realistic, but I just couldn't get into this game at all. A large part of it came from the fact that I found Kyle Hyde to be a bit of a jerk. I actually expected this to be a murder mystery, so I might attempt this game again with a different mindset.
I usually love thinking games, but I just could not get into this one. The story moved a little too slowly for me and everything just seemed so roundabout I found it hard to stay intrigued or involved.
this games amazing, those who don't like it and get frustrated probably aren't the brightest crayons in the box.
I finished it and its very good.
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I finished this game in 2 or 3 days I guess, it is a really good game for who likes mysteries, well I don't like mysteries so much, but this one worth playing.
This is easily the best game I've played for the DS. The art, music, story and characters were all perfect. Whoever localized this game for North America did a fantastic job; the characters and even the language they use are just so convincing. A lot of these elements could very easily be lost in translation, but it's clear the localization team put a LOT into polishing this game. I really really hope there's a NA release planned for the sequel.
It's alright. But it all depends on what kind of games you like. This isn't really one that I would play non-stop. It gets so boring after about 20mins of playing it.
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