Itadaki Street DS - Dragon Quest Super Mario Japan

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Full Name | 1157 - Itadaki Street DS - Dragon Quest Super Mario (J).7z |
Filesize | 19.4 MB |
Region | Japan |
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IS this english ? ive heard rumors but....
People have forgotten to mention that you make your own character to play. If your confused about the menus where you select your mode, the first one is basically story mode, the second vs, the third shop, the fourth some sort of records, the fifth multiplayer,the sixth tutorials and the last takes you back to the character selection menu.
@ Dagu2010
Why not google it? GOOGLE KNOWS EVERYTHING!!! its just like as pinkempathy sez, its like monopoly but rpg characters and mario characters
any chance of this gettin some eng translations? i have a hard to reading the words lol
im highly interested and even managed to play thru a little bit of it without any translation ... but it becomes tiresome, and i really just want to know whats going on
somebody picture please !!!!!
This is like Monopoly except with added additions. Plus you play as favorite game characters rather than thimbles and horses lol.
this game rules. i've been addicted to it for weeks. I may end up actually buying it, i like it so much. It is basically like monopoly but with more features, such as cards that give you special opportunities and bonuses. the main difference between this one and monopoly is that instead of just buying properties and building on them, people get to invest in a street. imagine buying stock in boardwalk and park place and making money off of them without having to build hotels yourself. first person whose net worth reaches a certain point wins. i don't know japanese, so it took me a few hours to get the hang of it and i still can't read the cards i mentioned earlier, so you'll probably need to find their meanings online somewhere. i used gamefaqs for that but i haven't looked for a translation for navigating the main menus
^ awesome, my dog is named Alena lawl
Actually, Dragon Quest is the number 1 selling game franchise in Japan and final Fantasy is based on it. DQ, is based on Lodoss (or what we call Dungeons and Dragons) so it is no surprise, really. There is a PSP version of this game but instead of Mario it is DQ vs FF and plays much like Monopoly. I haven't tried this version so I can't tell you if it plays similar or well, but I like the PSP one a lot. Especially since DQ is my fave game series up until DQ8 (I didn't like that one, maybe I am a traditionalist but I didn't like how the overworld navigation felt like an MMO)
Like mario party... but with dragon quest characters