Dragon Ball Z - Goku Densetsu Europe

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Full Name | 1379 - Dragon Ball Z - Goku Densetsu (E)(M5).7z |
Filesize | 17.1 MB |
Region | Europe |
Can Download | No |
Rating |
Thanks romulation for yours roms am so happy
I've played this for a couple of hours, and I really don't like it, it doesn't compare to any of the other DBZ games, you might aswell just go out and get a DBZ game for PS2, cheap and good fun.
I know i really want to get a desant dragonballz game for ds (except supersonic warriors 2 I have it and its awesome) because I am a big fan of dbz (dragonballz)
oh my god,a board game.
Did DBZ games sunk so deep to become a Crappy Board Game?
it's a nice game.
You'll play as goku or one of the other characters.
You have cards with stars(?) on them.
When you're on the board, the stars determine the steps you walk.
When you're fighting, the stars determine the amount of damage you'll deal.
Your cards also have different types with it's adavantages
If you guys are thinking that this is gonna be another fighting, don't because this is a board game 0_0
Is this game good