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Full Name 1456 - Legend of Zelda - Phantom Hourglass, The (U)(M3).7z
Filesize 34.7 MB
Region USA
Can Download No



This is the best game ever! I wish they did more like this!
Is there coop for this game?
It was a great game that i ever play ! People that have NDS must play this game .All for legend of zelda -phantom hourglass !
It is a very nice game and i think most people will enjoy the awesome gameplay.
I always like Zelda, and the stylus control make this game experience rich
ROM works! Great game!
Sunggu: That question has been answered so many times on the forum that I'm not going to bother doing it here as well. *hint*
Why is it in a non-english language...
This is a really good game the best one i played so far. I finished the game it was great
Dis game is trully AWESOME!!!!!
This game is alot of fun :), it works fine on the CycloDS Evo.
I doesnt work on dsfire :( tried every rom but al failed :( boohooo