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Full Name 1512 - Looney Tunes - Duck Amuck (U).7z
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Region USA
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I hate it when products intentionally misspell words for supposed comic effect. Major pet peeve. Beauzeau is using the correct English, the game title is not. Drive through, I hear the game's good and as he said, the source material was pretty genre-breaking.
wrong spelling... its duck amuck... but hey its a gret game for the laughs
A good game for anyone who likes watching daffy get ticked off. The game is based on the cartoon clip by the same name "Duck Amok" in which daffy is at war with his 'illustrator'. The object is to get Daffy angry to the point that he freaks out and tears up the page. Any fan of Looney Toons will like this, but it's so much better when you're familiar with the sketch that it comes from.
funny but kinda simple