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Full Name 1623 - Fashion Designer - Style Icon (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 8.8 MB
Region Europe
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Is this game any good? I like stlye boutique and want some more games like it... :)
At first it is an exciting game but when you keep playing it gets duller and duller... and duller, it's actually tiring because you just kept sewing and even though this is an European version, it's still the same as the US version. And even though it is tiring, still it is challenging. When you finish the game nothing is worth it, after that no mini games just replaying and replaying chapters. Good for killing time and for people who wants to learn to sew (some parts in sewing shouldn't be concluded especially the too much ironing, it just adds flavour to the game, you can make one and use it in some dolls or small figurines like Barbie though) Errors? Thanks its appreciated :)
errm I have played really great designing games and so because this one is so-so It's really crap to me!
It's a really good game !! everybody download it :P
Is This the 1st 1 if it is its awesome
This is a cool game .I find it rather addictive
I thought this game was nice, not very exciting but really something to do to get the time get by.
this game is the best thing ever wow NOT its S**T
this game is really easy and i finished it like in 5-8 days but in a way it is really boring
3rd Comment - Woo Hoo ! :) Gr8 Game - I Completed It Kinda Quickly ... o.O ! The moths started to get on my nerves though (Not realistic moths - gameplay so dont panic) the ending was kind of stupid though ---> oooh i wonder what lucas was doing to be late for work with Jessica
XDD this was a very weird funny game... i didnt like it o\_o it was boring and i wanted to see some action lol
Its a funny game (its fun , only if you like to design things ;) :P (K)///°°°°