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Full Name 2290 - Speed Racer - The Videogame (U)(M4).7z
Filesize 29.4 MB
Region USA
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Yeah I Want a F - Zero Game for NDS sooooooooooooo BADDd
my son will love this
I downloaded it now its fun!!!
Hey if you like racing games then downlaod ridge racer ds
The funny thing is that this game is way better than the movie it is based on! XD
Great Game!Its like F-Zero etc.
Yay.Speed Racer!
Go speed racer go!!
Is that so????
Amazing game! If you haven't downloaded it yet...then download it now!
Common crashes on my r4 Any solutions?
Wow this game is really good for a movie game. And the interface isnt THAT bad. But overall this game is right up to mariokart =D. pretty fun with all that car-fu LOLz