Age of Empires - Mythologies USA

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Full Name | 3050 - Age of Empires - Mythologies (U)(M2).7z |
Filesize | 99.6 MB |
Region | USA |
Can Download | No |
Rating |
In my opinion this game was bad because i was waiting for an age of empires like the one on pc, but its turn based D:
Wooo!!! I love this game!
You people expect too much. You are playing on ds. You should know by now that ds fail at real time games. Infact, hand held devices in general fail at real time games. If you want real time play on a computer, xbox or playstation instead of complaining about an otherwise good game.
Doesnt work on R4 Cards. Anyone could help? it looks tight.
I have got the dslazy but it won't let me open the file. can someone or romulation just put a patched version somewhere for download.
Once i patched this game i found out that it is AWESOME!!!
I hope this game is good I am addicted to the first one.
If above web no work ,you can try this very userful web 4755&st=0&p=1265830&#entry1265830
It using the Max Crass Method to patch this rom
Http:// ad.php?t=17045&page=2
Try this is work!
Sad don't work on my NDSL
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