Safari Adventures Africa Europe

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Full Name | 3246 - Safari Adventures Africa (E)(M6).7z |
Filesize | 9.1 MB |
Region | Europe |
Can Download | No |
Rating |
Even if the game has been 'fixed' it still doesn't work properly. After you create your profile, it will take ages to save. Then you need to turn the power off but it still doesn't work the next time you need to save. If you don't mind turning power off and on and off and on then get it. But if you do mind then it's really not worth it.
what is the diffrence between v1.1 and normal
in the first version one game was sometimes chrasing on some cards i think this update fixed it (i hope :p )
so far,every damn game here that i downloaded (3 gigs more or less) worked fantasticaly with my R4i Gold... the firmware update wasnt since last month,i hope they will update though,because i want to play Kingdom Hearts and i heard that new firmware is required (depending what flashcart you use).I will be getting an Acekard 2i too,just in case :),why am i talkin about this
it is cool but the chat interface is seriously limited... also, NOONE IS PLAYING THIS GAME ONLINE which sucks...thanks though.
note:i noticed a glitch a few times,where the game freezes when it saves data...when i reset the game ,it works and saves just fine.weird
THANK YOU very much - very addictive.
@rene78640, If it's USA or Europe, it will be in english, but the Japanese version would be in Japanese; just assume it's in whatever language they speak in the country it was released in. :) Also, please post support questions in the forum, and the ROM should work no matter what reigeon in an emulator or flash card.
I like ice cream alot!
Does anyone know if it matters if tha reigon is not usa ? if it is a japan or europe or africa or somthin other than usa , will tha gameplay be in english ?
One of the best collections of classic games I've come across
4.5 Stars
Cool download hours of fun with this thanks
Excellent game to have around when you've a few moments to spare... I find 'single player stamp' addictive (computer chosen selection of games of increasing difficulty). You have card games (Blackjack, Hearts, Old Maid, Poker....), board games (Checkers, Dots and Boxes, Connect 5....), pub games (Backgammon, Chess, Ludo, Darts, Bowling, Billiards...) and Mah Jong. Highly recommended.
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