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Full Name 3266 - Hotel for Dogs (U).7z
Filesize 13.5 MB
Region USA
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Is it me, or it is really hard to touch the kids on the touch screen? (Same for the dogs)
it looks pretty good so ill try it out
i like this game
what's it about?
is anybody gonna say why its good or bad?
the movie was good but the game sucks . i give it 3/10
dogs do rock the movie was awesome i hope the game is good too!!!!! it must be cuz everyone said it was good.
This seams like a made game i will down load to p.s. dogs rock
It's great!
I just watched the movie so maybe the game is also i love dogs:)!!!!!!!!!!!
Http:// look at the rateing :) ingore the good comments.
This game is awesome