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Full Name 3299 - Animal Boxing (U).7z
Filesize 13.5 MB
Region USA
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is it good
I agree with Ishimaru
its ok, but its certainly NOT punch out
Animal Cruelty? anyone? play it if you want to beat some animals up, and can't or won't do it in real life.
Haha this is a pretty addicting game. However, it promotes animal cruelty 0_0
It is funny
HAHA Nice Reply buchichu.. made me laugh. Boxing Animals
LOL I was lmao at the screenshot
Is vick in this game?
How do you play this game?
It's quite fun, but there's not much motivation to beat the game other than unlocking all the opponents. I thought you'd be able to unlock new accessories for your boxer but I guess I was wrong.
It's not bad, actually...I'm enjoying it. It's simple but has a good interface and pretty easy controls.