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Full Name 3304 - Metal Slug 7 (K).7z
Filesize 35.4 MB
Region Korea
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As a fan of Metal Slug series, I really expected this when I heard that there is new series available in Korean. Even if there was a difficulty even when I played Beginner(Level 1 in MVS), I was glad that Ralf and Clark, my favorite characters in KOF, came out.(but I like Ralf the most) Thanks for SNKP!
멀티플레이어 없네요. There is no multiplayer!
I'ma get on this tv mama 컴뱃 스쿨 귀찮네요
나쁠게 뭐가 있나요.
흠, 생각한 것 보다 나쁘진 않군. hum, it's not really bad but...