Emma in the Mountains USA

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Full Name | 3349 - Emma in the Mountains (U)(M3).7z |
Filesize | 6.7 MB |
Region | USA |
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Screen shot 4 teaches us how to play with her?? Is this rated A (for adults)
Too fuzzy wuzzy for me but the kids will like this.
Oh wait, make that number three. haha
Screenshot #4 sounds so wrong. hahaha
":D I will write reviews for most the games that I don't like starting from now."
that was total plagarism, not 'writing'
Lol, looks like massive copypasta to me.
May I remind people this is a PG-13 site? No a *chan, please bahave properly.
Magix\_Soni: Nice wall of text. :P
:D I will write reviews for most the games that I don't like starting from now.
Lol...that was one of the most serious reviews i have ever saw on romulation....good job....well since you have so time to write a life story on this game,... why dont you write reviews for all the games too? It sames me time for try out a crappy game....
Here is my review of the game:
The Emma titles have more in common with a pop-up book you'd find on
the shelves of your local bookstore than a traditional videogame. Young
children will have a blast reading along and interacting with their DS
in a variety of novel ways, enamored in the same manner they are when
being read a good bedtime story. The problem is that we aren't
reviewing the Emma children's novels, we're reviewing the Emma games,
and the Emma games just don't offer enough content to warrant the price
of admission.
Just like Emma's literary predecessors like Clifford the Big Red
Dog and Amelia Bedelia, this pair of Emma titles offers two unique
tales following the exploits of the young redhead as she stumbles upon
all sorts of adventures along with her trusty talking dog Pickles. Emma
in the Mountains, for instance, finds our heroine visiting her
grandfather in the mountains as he prepares for the annual toboggan
race. Emma discovers that the groundhogs around the cabin are missing,
even though their hibernating days have long since passed. With Pickles
and her friend Andy by her side, Emma must search the mountain for
clues as to the missing groundhog's whereabouts before the toboggan
race can get underway.
Emma at the Farm, on the other hand, tasks Pickles and Emma with
finding a group of missing baby chicks while helping her Uncle Jules
perform the daily chores around the farmyard. Over the course of the
adventure, Emma meets a whole variety of barnyard animals including
ducks, cows, pigs, chickens and even a donkey. Sure, the narratives are
a bit juvenile for the average gamer, but they provide more than enough
excitement for younger kids who love children's stories.
The pop-up book metaphor works for more than just the stories,
however, extending all the way to how the game ultimately plays out.
Players will read through a series of dialogue and narration scenes
before interacting with the game world in the form of a mini-game.
These sections are remarkably analogous to a pop-up book's pull-tabs.
Flip a page, read the text, pull the tab, repeat.
The games guide players in an extremely linear fashion that feels very
restrictive, but in this context meshes well with the interactive
children's book vibe that both titles seem to strive for. Gamers
looking for real excitement need not apply, but kids who just want to
get a little bit more involved with the stories they're reading will
really get a kick out of the way Emma in the Mountains and Emma at the
Farm are laid out.
The mini-games themselves are pretty shallow, so much so that I
even hesitate to characterize some of them as mini-games at all. For
instance, there's one scene in which Emma is trying to wake up a
sleeping old man by blowing into the DS' built-in microphone. Just one
strong blow and you're done. It's hardly worthy of being described as
an actual mini-game, but the fact that you're interacting with the
story does manage to draw younger players into the world. Over the
course of Emma's adventures, players will get into a snowball fight,
navigate a dark groundhog burrow, collect chicken eggs and water a
vegetable garden, among other activities. These little challenges
really help to move the story along and make players feel a part of the
action, even if only a handful of these activities manage to remain
compelling outside of their narrative context.
One characteristic in which the Emma titles fail to match the
pop-up book comparison is in the visuals. Simply put, both Emma in the
Mountains and Emma at the Farm are ugly games. The character models are
comprised of low-resolution renders that vary wildly in quality,
jumping from dramatically compressed 2D sprites to strange cartoon
drawings from one minute to the next. Half of the fun of reading
children's books is viewing the amazing artwork, and the Emma titles
unfortunately fail to deliver in this very important department.
The good news is that you won't have to be disappointed by Emma's
visuals for long, as you'll have played through all of the content for
both titles in less than an hour. Again, the included stories are very
reminiscent of classic children's books in many ways, and that
definitely includes their short overall length. What's more, there's
not much reason to come back and play again, unless players are
interested in checking out the harder difficulty modes that unlock
after the first completion.
Emma at the Farm in particular does offer one unique feature worth
mentioning. One of the unlockable extras is a series of recipes for
players to try out with their parents. The recipes themselves are
nothing fancy – nowhere near as interactive or unique as the recently
released Personal Trainer: Cooking from Nintendo – but they do provide
a nice practical bonus for the whole family to enjoy.
Closing Comments
It really is
too bad that we can't rate Emma in the Mountains and Emma at the Farm
as the next evolution of the children's book genre. If we could, these
two titles would certainly have scored higher as they offer a great new
experience for young gamers. Sadly, the actual "game" part of these
titles fails to impress. The mini-games are only interesting in the
context of the story, the visuals are unattractive and both games can
be completed in less than 60 minutes. This whole interactive pop-up
book genre is extremely interesting and it'll be fun to see where it
goes from here on out, but until titles like Emma in the Mountains and
Emma at the Farm can offer gameplay as compelling as the stories they
set out to tell, we'll be fine sticking with the print versions.
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