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Full Name 3449 - Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (E)(M2).7z
Filesize 24.5 MB
Region Europe
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its ok but what with the title???
Im so confused i dont know how to open the box in russia i dont know the code wat is it?
I think it's the longest game title I ever saw.
This game is really bad.This game suck.
That's interesting. Usually M2 releases in EU do not include English. Thanks for the heads-up, Ms\_Bunny and hermiegranger.
I did not think there would be but there IS an english option! I can't wait to play!
You do have the option to choose between French and English when you start the game. :D
In english But where Hides Carmen Sandiego? Mystery at the end of the World (E)
What is it?
HEY! I know this cartoon. I used to luv it a much!! Does it have a eng. version???
Now that's a long name T\_T
OH LAWD. I remember this from over 10 years ago.