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Full Name 3478 - Big Bang Mini (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 7.1 MB
Region Europe
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I LOVE THIS GAME!! SOO ADDICTIVE!! I had spent ages unlocking stuf but then every game on my R4 got deleted while formatting my memory card because it was corrupted :(
i thought this game was a little bit like geometry wars . Both great games
Coming form Arkedo, the creator of Nervous Brickdown, I expected something better. Some levels are plainly impossible, and the game is overall desperating.
Good game
Yeh gr8 game
Well after them comments am getting it thanks guys for the info
You can download the soundtrack for FREE from the official website, too! Gotta love free game music. :D
Its one of them odd ball titles you dont know how to class it, you could say its a puzzle game but then again you are shooting so it could be a shoot 'em up it reminds me of a ps2 title that first came out with the machine.
Yeah this game is definitely a bit tricky. And the fact you need to complete the main game to unlock an extra mode, and then complete THAT to unlock another mode. Provides you with enough reasoning to want to keep going through it all so that you can see what else is next. Easy to learn but kinda tricky to master. I love the fact that the controls are really simple to learn and that the difficulty in dodging attacks is also heavily based on how accurate you are as there have been a few times I've caused my own death from burning debris.
Yep, its a different game than you see usually, if i were you, i would give a shot ;)
I think it's a good game - very well put together graphically
Great game and very challenging, can be fustrating at times when you die you have to start from the beginning again but that just makes you try harder. anyways deffo worth a download.