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Full Name 3605 - Gardening Mama (U).7z
Filesize 13.7 MB
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COOOOL been waiting for this for a long time! (Love Mama Series)! :))))
Much prefer cooking mama. This is harder to play & almost becomes a bit boring at times :(
Thanks! I love the Mama series~!!! X)
Thanks guys. Love the Mama series! X)
Wow gardening mama the guys at roma r great =]
It's not working message :"The data could not be accessed. Pls turn the power off and reinsert the DS Card." please help.
It's not working for me... message : "The data could not be accessed. Pls turn the power off and reinsert the DS Card." can someone help me....
Hm.... it's working.
Is this better than Cokking mama games.
I love MAMA games! :D
Done game
Only just checked for updates, and this looks like it might be the best one. i loved cooking mama, and if this is a harder version, then i'm all for it! LOL at "I cant wait for another version perhaps a LAUNDRY MAMA or a CLEANING MAMA or maybe a DO URSELF MAMA! :-)" it'd be funny if these things came out, but maybe a "do it yourself papa" would be more appropriate?