Super Fun Chess Europe

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Full Name | 3618 - Super Fun Chess (E)(M4).rar |
Filesize | 1.4 MB |
Region | Europe |
Can Download | No |
Rating |
I gonna dowload this because the words SUPER and FUN are in the title
Tis super FUN YEAY! the only reason people would download this is... cuz its Chess i guess.
But really the things the Ds can do, and they give a crappy chessbord- they could of made it like battle chess! With tones of gore and crap, but no, its like the old DOS version for pc... >,> i pass
Pas mal domage qu'il soit en pas en francais.
Is there a super fun-frikin-fantastic checkers?
This game should be called UBER COOL SUPER FUN WIKED CHESS.
because its so damn kool, and you can party on down playing chess with the oldies ;D
Is this game really super fun?
Hmm, super fun chess eh, 1000 downloads you say... maybe it is super fun... or maybe it's a small, sad version of chess that people downloaded to fill that last 1.4 mb on the card.. one can never tell. Still, what's next, super fun mario kart... Super fun ace attorney... Grand Theft Auto: Super fun edition? *shudder* woah, just scared myself a little
You guys are so sarcastic.
SUPER FUN CHESS!!! I dont think so...
Is this name right ???
Nah you lot wanna play strip-chess now dats a WHOLE LOTTA FUN! ;)
Seriously, how do they think a game called super fun would ever sell? and...
OBJECTION!!! I've spotted a contradiction in this name your honour!
Fun! Chess!
The game is lying! The game is guilty!
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