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Full Name 3632 - Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego (E)(M2).7z
Filesize 24.5 MB
Region Europe
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Actually, skydawn the TV show was called "Where On Earth Is Carmen Sandiego?", I wished they made an English Edition of this game.
i am from germany, and as a kid i loved the show, i think i'll give it a try^^ it seems like the kind of game which i use to play with my girlfriend, like layton(not that anything could beat layton in the "riddle" genre^^) oh, and i can confirm your translation^^
According to Google Translate the title is: "Where In The World Is Carmen Sandiego?"
This game is a must have, because of its amazing graphics, outstanding gameplay and it's a game that really uses your imagination. And now turn all the things I've said backwards ( not like "b" "d", but like hard, easy ) and you got your review!
Sorry my mistake
Paul2607, I think you mean German or Spanish. It's a German game. I have to admit the languages look like eachother a lot but thtere is a difference.
When you download its only in dutch or spanish not english
Yo sry the game really is confusing cause when i download euopean games i download the north american but it doesnt seem to follow. so it u read european or maby spanish
Yeah guys, i can confirm that. It has been out for pc in germany for ages
Hey skydawn i think you're right the name looks like it could be translated to that
Doesn't it translate to "Where in the world is Carmen Sandiego?". I used to watch that show.. when I was like 4.