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Full Name 3643 - Diva Girls - Diva Dancers (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 22.8 MB
Region Europe
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Me too!!
Lol thats the reason i gave it a try.
(clicks - thinking it's porn/ hentai... reads comments... leaves) Seriously, this is how the male brain works when seeing "girls" in the title.
Omg, can we please stick to one question mark, 2 if you REALLY need to emphasize something? lord that's annoying. And no, game is not good...all the animated girls look shocked O\_O very badly drawn and the dance animations are crap and the game style sucks, there is much better to choose from.
What is this ? looks like.. hum....
No its not!!!!...unless you like poo that is!!!
Is it any good ??????????????????????????????????????
Basically its poo, like the dance games without a dance mat...what the hell is the point!!!!