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Full Name 3656 - Pokemon Fushigi no Dungeon - Sora no Tankentai (J).7z
Filesize 29.3 MB
Region Japan
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I really want to play it, but I don't wanna bother with my not-that-good Japanese, so I'll just wait...
It's like platinum for explorer of time / darkness check out for more information
It's just like platinum for explorer of time / darkness for complete information check in
Looks like it might be fun but i cant understand the language
Then this is like Crystal, Emerald and Platinum.... minor changes or just additional plot.
Lol!!! the T\_T is a sad face of what i use for it XD
This game is good but I can't understand much of the japanese finalmario you put my username in your post
Disegaea - Pokemon games are always like that, especially the dungeon ones still, im going to wait for an english release, as i think the story element is as important as the rest
What disgea said:true but i didnt say i was going to buy it did i? i wouldnt pay for this game ofcorse.i wouldnt even pay for those third games like crystal,emerled,yellow and all platinum is worth it though but thats the only one
No offense but people are so stupid this is just a knockoff because they scammed everyone this one just is a little changed and has Arceus and Shaymin because they purposely didn't put them in Time and Darkness that way they could make another one make more money just for people who want about 5 things changed complete waste but hey people are still going to buy this
I played this for a few minunts its great just i cant get a pokemon i want since the survey is in japanese =P i got a stupid shynx T\_T i would play more but its hard to play in say its still worth downloading.its great