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Full Name 3691 - Tele 7 jeux - Texas Hold 'em Poker Pack (F).7z
Filesize 5.5 MB
Region France
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cant raise more than 10 or 20 -.-"
Isn't 3690 supposed to be Made In Ore? ( (J) Wario game ) Or was it nuked because of bad dump? or because of the new NAND cart type? anybody got news about this? EDIT: Hmm....I'm noticing over at DS-Scene that they left the scene number on this one while most other sites (including us) have XXXX'd it. DS-Scene's plan is to just wait for a redump because of the header info error to varify if it that's the way it's supposed to be and just replace the current one with the redump. So now I'm wondering if we should leave it numbered or X it out too. I'd really hate to have to re-number a bunch of releases. and the card more likely RAM card with support for NAND not like ROM you can only read it, RAM can Read and Delete the info said about i gigabit card right? it''s more like there's open 72 mbit for save data Made in ore was capable to save your own drawing, and puzzle and download it too sure that's need more than regular 512 KB or 2 mbit save data right? so... the save problem can be more like that, so maybe this game is unsaveable right now + the next firmware update maybe fix the black screen of most card but for sure R4 can't play this game