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Full Name 3800 - Real Stories - My Baby World (E)(M5).7z
Filesize 7.3 MB
Region Europe
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This game has very BAD graphics. It is probbly for ages 5-12 mabey 13 it all depends
looks good,is it i want to no now,somebody!!!
Terrible Graphics. Alright game not that great not worth downloading.
Verrryyy crap my baby girl REALLY GOOD better than this. and it actually teaches you somethin!
Yes all the pictures are in the game. it's okay, not the funnest thing in the world, but you learn to take of a kids.. in a way
It is so ccccccuuuuttte.
Is picture 3 for the same game? it looks like it doesn't belong.
The language are English, Dutch, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian. It's a game for young children I think. I find it pretty boring.
Seems to be a good game.thank you
How is this game??????????
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