Drama Queens USA

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ok this is a girly girly game and it just so happens to be a board game it is very boring my 10 yr old sister tried it out and she rated it 4 out of 10 she said:this game gets very boring and repetitive all you do is go around a board and live a boring career life with a boyfriend with no use at all and trying to get a best friend and then you get her stolen from you. she also said: this game inspires early boyfriends no tips and nastiness to other friends of real life and now my 6 yr old niece believes she can have a boyfriend and answer back to her mum and say nasty things to other i do not reccemend this to anybody under the age of 13 as me i would not ever give this game to a child again its terrible sorry if i just gave up you daughter/sisters hope but its true one last word from my sister:the graphics are poo
idnn' know
my little sister liked it so i'm gonna download it for her ><
been repeatedly playing it. :D
This Game is Hilarious!, Im sure it will appeal to most teenage girls.
Its a board game but it's like across between sex and the city, The hills(mtv), and Ugly Betty.
You play 1 of 5 girls, and play on different boards. Basically you have to build up you love,career, and friends. To build up your popularity and complete missions. It can get very bitchy working in the fashion world.
Unlockables are different boyfriends with different abilities, and different outfits.
Although Girly will keep guys busy for at least 5 minutes. I would like to see them make more neutral games like a port of game of life on the pc.
Or a Guy version, Based on an office , like the IT crowd, or the young ones.
Or one based on friends would be cool, If they could afford the millions in license fees.
If u a Female i would give the game 8/10, Guys would probably give it 3/10 unless they are gay fashionistas, I don't mind playing girly games if they are good, but atleast being able to download them means u don't have the embarrasment of looking at it in the shop.
It looks like a girls game, I'm a boy and not gay so I wont be d/ling this one guys... lol...
What is it like??? i betta b good
I guess i should just try it.
Pretty boring
Oh no she didn'nt!
Non of the games work for downloading i want to how to download the nds roms
They're not for girls, they're for LITTLE girls. There's a difference.
Normally I love these "underdog" games, but why would I want to relive high school? This is pretty lame.
And lol @ gwydion's comment. Nice.
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