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Full Name 3892 - 101 in 1 - Explosive Megamix (U)(M3).7z
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Region USA
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this is not realy sucks game
this is not realy sucks game 6/10
its really fun!!!but i can't get the other games!!
Games vary wildly in difficulty. Some I beat on the first try while others took several hours. You don't have to even win the games to get points for unlocking more games, people. If you hate a certain game, don't beat yourself up over it just to get some points. Better to just play your favorite mini-games again.
this game is soooooooo damn frustratingly hard. i would say thats its a waste of time downlaoding it.. u would want to throw ur ds at the wall!!!!
Yeah really extremely hard, I would try it if you really have time and are great with games. I wouldn't recommend it cause it gets frustrating cause it takes sooo damn long and its sooo damn hard
very hard
I find myself playing it just to beat all 101 of them. This game has only 1 music. No sound effects, just that stupid dung-ch ding-ch ding dang-ch ch, if you know what i mean. Everything is very cheaply made, but some of the games entertained me for a while.
101-in-1 Explosive Fail
Its actually brill. . 10/10 frm meh :)