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Full Name 5839 - X-Men - Destiny (U) (VENOM).7z
Filesize 25.2 MB
Region USA
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Storyline is very confusing, and you can't even play as any of the XMen. Your a random dude who's mutant power is some sort of glowing purple fists when you attack. It's not worth the space it takes up, so don't get it.
the game is a real junk for those who have eagerly downloaded it . look at the Game spot ratings : 1.Overall rating - 2.0 Painful !!!! 2.Presentation - 1.5 The story makes no sense, and the game provides little to no explanation for gameplay mechanics. Menus have no order either. 3.Graphics - 2.0 This game just plain looks terrible, with blocky, ugly graphics that make it hard to tell what the developer was trying to convey. 3.Sound - 2.0 Audio cues are nonsensical and repetitive, and the music comes off as annoying and fails to set any kind of tone for the adventure. 4.Gameplay - 2.0 Boring, repetitive gameplay gives no reason to keep going - only masochists should even attempt to play this. 5.Lasting Appeal 1.0 The developers provide zero reason to keep playing this game, much less to ever return to it. A lack of extras or bonus content only makes things worse. thin before you DOWNLOAD !!!!