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Full Name Crow, The - City of Angels [U][NTSC-U] [SLUS-00242].7z
Filesize 154.7 MB
Region USA
Can Download Yes



Experience the thrilling world of "Crow, The - City of Angels" right on your PC with our easy-to-use emulator. Play as Ashe Corven, a man on a mission to seek vengeance against the dark forces of the underworld. With our downloadable ROM, you'll have access to all the pulse-pounding action and captivating storyline that made this PSX classic a hit. Download now and join Ashe as he battles his way through the City of Angels to restore balance to the world.


I played it years ago, though the movie was legendary the game was disappointing. The fighting is full of glitches and bosses take forever to beat. Also, it seems your health is just not enough for the levels. Beautiful level design though.
is this a beat 'n up??