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Full Name Disney's Tarzan [U] [SCUS-94456].7z
Filesize 301.2 MB
Region USA
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Disney's Tarzan is a thrilling adventure game for PSX that takes you on an epic journey through the dense jungles of Africa. With stunning visuals and immersive gameplay, this game lets you relive the famous story of Tarzan, the king of the jungle. You can now enjoy this classic game on your PC by downloading the ROM from our website. Get ready to swing on vines, battle fierce enemies, and discover hidden treasures in this exciting PSX game. Download the Disney's Tarzan ROM now and experience the thrill of the jungle from the comfort of your own home.


Thank you very match
great game!!!!!!!!!!! thank you so much!!!!!
thank you.
never gets bored
This games fun!!! One great game for the ps!
Thanks I have been looking for this for a very long time. I remember playing Tarzan on my PC as I child and now I will play on my PSP. :D
Realy good game