Full Name Golden Sun - The Lost Age
Other Names Golden Sun - Die Vergessene Epoche / Golden Sun - L'Age Perdu
Filesize 11.6 MB
Region usa europe japan
Languages germany france italy spain usa japan
Can Download No



trailer for the new golden sun game on ds http://www.ign.com/videos/2010/06/15/golden-sun-dark-dawn-ds-e3-2010-trailer?objectid=949592 i love this game, its what first got me into rpgs, and definitely the best one for the gba.
goldensun tla was my first GBA game...This IS awsome...SOOOOOOOOOOOOO very awsome.good graphics,storyline and EVERYTHING!!!!!!
I gotta say, Golden Sun's story line is not cliche. It has splendid inversions and it unique how in the second game you play as the enemies in the first game. The graphic is great and the puzzles are challenging and enjoyable. It would seem that Golden SUn DS will be about a generation or sth after Lost Age and well, what can you say it's golden sun i think it'll be awesome :D
The one i played (i don't know which it was) on GBA was the best Ranking up there in my FAVOURITE games that includes ds its an rpg that has no rivals simply becouse no one is dumd enough to try and make a better game. If anyone knows the release date of the ds version could they post it here? <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <>< <><
there has been a sequal anounced for golden sun i'v never played it so can someon tell me what it is about
it prolly wont War. but i think it takes place when the heroes from GS n GS:TLA are adults n their kids are the next in line to protect the lighthouses. bet ya that the Lighthouses are now bein threatened to be put out again and it will have an even more devastating effect than Weyard fading away to nothing, but the ultimate destruction of the world! WHO AGREES WITH ME?! THE KIDS MUST SAVE THE WORLD AS THEIR PARENTS DID!!!!!!!!
I hope that the golden sun DS will have both golden sun and golden sun the lost age in it that would be perfect!
this game doesn't work on my emulator and it read's all other games fine but this one ....starts up black
this is the best rpg
i beat it 64 times.....it was a good idea to buy it.
WOOT the Main char for thins game (Isaac) has the same name as me!!! YEAAAAH ~~~! .... sorry for the sudden breakdown......anyways this is an awesome game, it kind of reminded me of FinalFantasy but not so much as it would look like a cheap copy, it always keeps you wanting more , as you can see from the big Fanboys above me who are waiting for GSDS to come out......its very worth while so take a shot at it!
awesome game much better than the first which was too short