Full Name Golden Sun - The Lost Age
Other Names Golden Sun - Die Vergessene Epoche / Golden Sun - L'Age Perdu
Filesize 11.6 MB
Region usa europe japan
Languages germany france italy spain usa japan
Can Download No



It is the only gba game that i would like to play and finish without taking time to sleep.
this game is hard to play but very exciting
Golden Sun DS scheduled to come out in 2010. According, to Epower, the main hero will be the descendant of the lord of awesomeness, Isaac. For more info and the poster, go to goldensun.wikia.com
i hate too much random battles.
Pretty good game, but I found it slightly annoying that creatures kept jumping out at me every 10 seconds. Lol.
naw GSDS main chars are descendents of the GS 1 2 series.
at least they are making a sequel on the ds
Ah, Golden Sun. Where to begin. What it is not? The best game ever made, with the best graphics and best story ever, as someone else said. /eyeroll What it is? A very worthwhile play. I'd rec' it to anyone I know who likes RPGs or is on RPG burnout - it offers traditional genre gameplay with a twist in an otherwise run of the mill story. It's not perfect, but it's certainly worth your time. It is an interesting experience. Have at it.
This Game is soooo good! Mostly when you collect all the summons! I WISH GOLDEN SUN DS WOULD BE RELEASED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!
.................Uhm yea thing is did any of you actually beat this game? There's no place for a sequel. Unless their going to do GS2 from Isaac's point of view or jsut remake the first game. If it's neither of those I'm sorry but you'll be able to expect GSDS to fail completely. Do not get me wrong I love Golden Sun. The series was amazing I still play it now and I love it. So before you start calling me a hater please realize I am not. I love this game almost as much as I love Legend of Zelda
One of the best game that i play .. good to see the Golden Sun DS ,, i can't wait to have one..
I know, right? My favorite RPG ever, possible my favorite game ever made. I still remember the day when I bought the first one as my first GBA game at Target. It was on sale for $19.82. Then I remember waiting like a year or two when GS2 came out. I remember the raw thrill of it coming out/being announced. Best game ever made. All you haters can GTFO. Story line is not cliched. I cant think, in fact I know, of any other game that you have to light/ prevent others from lighting lighthouses. Not to mention it has the best graphics of any GBA game, not to mention that it rivals the graphics of alot of DS games. If you guys get golden sun DS and it has wifi, go to friendcodes.com and look for Skane. We'll get together and play GSDS!