Full Name 64 de Hakken!! Tamagotchi - Minna de Tamagotchi World
Filesize 8.9 MB
Region japan
Languages japan
Can Download No



Is this the english ver of akachan
Is this for older people?
Uhm, sounds like not recommendable.
This game is happily out of its mind.
This game is underated
I love this game!!! If your anything like me...mental, then you'll enjoy it lol it's got loadsa lil crazy mini games
This game sounds stupid
no, stupid sounds who says this about a game they have never played.
Game kinda reminds me of warioware with lots of minigames, but they're all sort of themed to 'getting the girl'. Maniac mode is sort of like a dressup and you unlock outfits by doing the challenges in 'memories', which you unlock by completing challenges in the story mode.
Wow maniac mode is advised for older audiencens