Full Name Fighter Destiny 2
Other Names Kakutou Denshou - F-Cup Maniax
Filesize 9.9 MB
Region usa japan
Languages usa japan
Can Download No



is this game in spanish or english?
i cant find a .cht file from it. my R4 doesnt give a cheat availability for the game either :-(
i have this original game!! very good game!!!!!!! the gameplay is very good! but this is the last version... the latest version of advance wars is "Advance wars Days of Ruin" ;)
this game rocks! i love the papercraft at ninjatoes.com! with the papercraft you can make a mini AW army!!!:D
it looks like dragonball on ds^^ i´ll try it out ;) it seems funny
To create the file type on ask winrar free trial then download it then make sure the file you got from rumulation has a pile of books on it right click and extract the files. then there should be a yellow folder with the same name right click it and click explore then there should be a file at the top left corner that says nds drag that where your r4 games are hope ive been of some help.
I like AW 1/2/3/4! They're all great! (this is 3 the other 2 you can quess and dark conflict is 4)
If it is a rar file u must extract it using winrar and u will find the .nds files
This game rocks!!!! i played advance wars and advance wars 2: black hole rising and i both like them. it's time to boom some metal!!!
Spanish language only.