Full Name Fighters Destiny
Other Names Fighting Cup
Filesize 7.5 MB
Region usa europe japan
Languages usa france germany japan
Can Download No



Is this an american version of Another code; Memories?
Love hotel dusk too but it's FUKING HARD!!! i hope this game it's more than hotel dusk
Love Hotel Dusk, shall get this one too. Thanks :)
Love CING. At least Hotel Dusk is a leeetle longer...
Its fun and the story is interesting this game keeps me up at night :)
If you enjoy this name, I highly recommend "Hotel Dusk : Room 215" which is another game made by Nintendo that is similar to this type of game play and awesome story line.^^
Trace Memory is Cing's (the developer) first game for the DS prior to their highly-acclaimed Hotel Dusk... A must-play for all puzzle-adventure fans...