Full Name Fushigi no Dungeon - Fuurai no Shiren 2 - Oni Shuurai! Shiren Jou!
Filesize 19.2 MB
Region japan
Languages japan
Can Download No



The reason Nintendo won´t make full 3D Pokemon games is because Pokemon is one of their huge-selling games and that is because people likes a mix of 2D and 3D.
i love the game it looks fun i want it
cant wait a year for pokemon heart gold and soul silver uh
is this the UK version
goo-goo ga ga a slightly more babyish pok?mon game..
Lord smark the NDS is not that powerful :O
Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, Real remakes of Pokemon gold and silver for DS coming out next year!
Not even living up to the name 'Pokemon' :/ , Why cant they put their time and efforts into making a complete new game , full 3d , 3rd person view Pokemon RPG , that would be great ...
Thats true
Is a great game if your a pokemon fan but is really based on younger kids. still a great game though