Full Name Goemon - Mononoke Sugoroku
Filesize 12.5 MB
Region japan
Languages japan
Can Download No



After playing this game, you will actually want to be a Lawyer this instant just to feel epic. Who knew that being a Lawyer can be epic. Epic all the way!
I went back and played the Edgeworth Murder Case again just to see Von Karma Smash his head on the wall. *Smiles Icily*
I never thought it was possible to make a game this good... and what do you mean OVERRULED?!? It is totally the best game eva!
Wow. This is the best game seiries on ds, full stop. No arguments.
when i first played this, it was really really addictive! great game, though it can be a tad linear IMO 9.0/10
This game is really fun. Although most people looking at this link might feel: "It's so boring you only do lawyer work. Eww." But really, its the music (lol), and the logic you need to win a court trial. It is really fun, just try it!
Hah, look at screenshot 2. SPARTA!!!!
@ Odine Bangle. what is wrong with you it is a game not real life anyways i got this because i needed a ds game played and 7 hours later realised i was still on it lol this game is good,addicting and frustrating overall 10/10
best game ever
this game is fantastic! very addicting. well idk with you but i got hooked up with this. i've downloaded all the phoenix wright series and also that apollo justice.. :D i tell you, you won't regret having this game! it's just brilliant. best game ever.
OMG! gotta play this.