Full Name Goemon - Mononoke Sugoroku
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Region japan
Languages japan
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@Die_With_Pie of course Phoenix Wright is not a real puzzle game,this game is not focusing on the puzzles,but how to use your brain to solve the case!!! This game,however,needs logic to solve the cases! It cant be humorous too much!This game has some humors, but they need to be serious!If too much humor,how the hell can you focus?! I hope you understand and dont take this too serious
All I have to say right now, this game is great. I would be reviewing this game right now, but I'm in the middle of finishing it. It can be so darn hard at times. But, anyways this game is a great example for how to program a game to use the DS microphone. That's all I have to say.
@BlackZinj: Your entire post is just stupid. First; it is Elves die of old age all the time. They have extended lives; they're not immortal. While it'd be a rare sight, an Orc scholar is possible. If you think stuff like that is "unrealistic" by fantasy standards, you're a moron or just plain ignorant. Second; he, or she, expressed a legitimate criticism of the game. Don't try to crucify people just because they don't think the game is the greatest thing since sliced bread. It is reasonable for people to want to play a game that is realistic. It is his, or her, opinion that the game un-realism is bad. Third; "Of course, if the Ace Attorney games all stuck to reality then... Well, you're better off watching a real Murder Case... It's probably cheaper." That is the dumbest statement in your entire post. Seriously, guy. Odine Bangle expressed a desire to play a game closer to reality, and your response is to say that he should go watch a real murder trial? Hmm, you're certainly not biased. No, but seriously, how is wanting to play a game that is closer to reality the equivalent of wanting to watch a real murder case. Fourth; you mention in your last paragraph that "[it] may not be for everyone but, hey, not everyone likes the same things". Ironically, you expressed the complete opposite sentiment in your previous paragraphs IN THE SAME POST! You, my dear friend, spent almost your entire post trying to deconstruct Odine Bangle's sentiments. He expressed his reason for disliking the game, and then you tried to invalidate his reasons. You can't just add that at the end of your post like that. You are being hypocritical. ---- Oh, yeah, my thoughts on the game: It is alright for what it is. It is slightly amusing, but boring nonetheless. If you're not into this kind of thing (or find it's kind of humor not funny), don't download. If you were looking for a real puzzle game, one involving logical reasoning and deductive reasoning, I am sorry to inform you this game is not it. None of the game's cases require significantly more brain power than the average teenager uses. I can't even say it is a good time killer.
@ Odine Bangle. I reckon you'd be the guy who pulls out of a Fantasy game because an Elf died of old age, or an Orc was a Scholar. The reality in Phoenix Wright may not even be our reality. It could be based on it, but maybe it's in the future, or the past, or in an alternate dimension where each of those things would be rendered moot by different circumstances. In the third Phoenix Wright Game the Head of a Security Company was murdered. He was strangled to death, and someone pushed the Emergency button. The First Security Guard was on an Errand (I may be wrong, I don't care), The Second was being punched in the face by someone who had nothing to do with the case whatsoever. So, If in their reality the Head of a (fairly prominent) Security Company can get Murdered in his own office while both Guards did/heard/saw nothing... Then surely a small Law office with (POSSIBLY) 1 Guard would be an easier spot to sneak into... Of course, if the Ace Attorney games all stuck to reality then... Well, you're better off watching a real Murder Case... It's probably cheaper. All in all, If you're judging a Video-Game badly just because of it's 'unrealistic' points then you should just remember that it's a Video-Game and it doesn't have to stick to reality and it may not even need to Dot it's I's or Cross it's T's. (Phoen|x Wr|gh|... Lol) Ah, now to the Game. I vote 5 stars for the entire Series. It's brilliant, Funny, and everything else everyone else has already said about it. In fact, I've been looking for it so I can play it all through again before finishing the Third. It may not be for everyone but, hey, not everyone likes the same things.
well, i don't care about the "reality" of the games... Gyakuten Saiban (ace attorney outside japan) is a great game.
I never really bothered with these, until now. So, so glad I did! great games!
the cases are so stupid that it makes me want to cry. all of the cases could never have happened. for example -when Mia was killed where was the security guard, surely an office building had its own security guard and the murder would never had taken place - de vasques was having a meeting with television station producers when hammer tried to kill her,logically there is no way they could not have seen hammer approaching the caravan, and they would have stopped him from attacking de vasques. the funny thing is there were only two plates which means, those producers didn't eat all -in the fouth case, they had a gun why didn't they just shoot the glass to let the oxygen flow inside. unless they didn't know that the gun was loaded, but it was impossible because the gun must have belonged to yani yogi, surely he would have known whether his own gun had been loaded or not. let's pretend that they didn't know the gun had been loaded, the logical turn of events would be like this, Miles in throwing the gun at Yani Yogi accidently sot his own father, then finally realizing that the gun was loaded Yani grabbed the gun and shot the glass to let oxygen flow in it could never have been the opposite. finally, the real murderers weren't accompanied by a lawyer this violates their right dudes, moreover edgeworth is conspiring to help Phoenix,the guilty verdict will be quashed in court of appellate on the ground every person has a right to a fair trial. by the way the murderers could refuse to testify by simply arguing that they would only talk to their lawyers. this game confuses American legal system with Japanese legal system, the location should have been still in Japan, because a tiny part of the game is based on Japanese legal system. try playing Agatha's Chiristie's ABC murders, the case makes more senses than this
which is better?? this or Ace attorney investigations:MilesEdgeWorth, if u want you can find that link HERE!! just copy and paste!! http://www.romulation.net/NDS/4684_-_Ace_Attorney_Investigations_Miles_Edgeworth_(U)(BAHAMUT).rar.html/
this game is pretty good. i love it..but i stopped playing cause i don't want to end it yet ^^v haha
This game is so--OBJECTION!! lol sorry... couldnt resist.... This game is amazing, i also love the other ones in the series.
though this game doesnt have much replayability, its worth playing over and over just to hear the cornered theme. :P good rom, works fine.
-sigh- i love this game, but i cant get the ROM to work. it keeps saying it crashed. anyone know anything to help?