Full Name Goemon - Mononoke Sugoroku
Filesize 12.5 MB
Region japan
Languages japan
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Great game series, I really loved the whole set. The characters are amazing, and the humor really made me crack up several times. Phoenix was brilliant, and so were the other characters. I especially loved the case with Oldbag. Hee hee.
I like both.
i like poeniz wright wayyyy better than appolo! anyone feel the same?? :D
This is the best Ace Attorney game!
This game is AMAZING!!!!!! I got my cyclods evolution and had my friend load it up with games. Ace Attorney just sat there, unplayed, for the longest time. I got bored one day and decided to try it. I was instantly hooked! AWESOME STORYLINE! AWSOME CHARACTERS! AWESOME EVERYTHING! Play all 4 of the Ace Attorney series games in order. THEY ARE AMAZING!!!!
I agree to all of your comments, try to play all ace attorneys in order, surely addictive!!
I really like this game. Also like the plot-twist in case 4. I give it 10/10, 50/50, 100/100, 5/5, you get it.
edgeworth this is madness THIS IS SPARTA!!!!!!!!
Great game, played it till the end 5/5
it was okey,but not good enough for me.their English are horrible and they talked too much.especially case no.2 that girl just go on and on about her personal life when it comes to case no.3 i gave up.i had to stop this is too much.i love solving puzzles and adventure games with good storyline but this trial game is just not for me.
I absolutely love this game! I've played every one in the series and can't wait for the second apollo justice to come out! I recommend it to everybody!
I lovw it!!!!!I wonder appolo justice 2 exist????????