Full Name Goemon - Mononoke Sugoroku
Filesize 12.5 MB
Region japan
Languages japan
Can Download No



Easily one of the best titles for the NDS. The idea of mixing detective works and court ramblings are like peanut butter and jelly - sweet. I really, really recommend this. Try it for yourselves and see.
This game got me thinking in my sleep, lol, its that good. Characters are funny where Nick says they lied and proved it. DL! you wont be sad! And if you have a low IQ it can help, XD!
It works really well, i didn't notice anything wrong with it at all, a great rom. The game is amazing too, although i'm tempted to break my DS when i get stuck, however, the characters are amazing, they're funny, complex and have their own personalities. The storylines are brilliant as well, sometimes i can't bear putting my DS down!
Objectio... wait, sorry wrong order XD
WOW this game has to be in the top 20 NDS game
The is an AWESOME game. At first I never really wanted to play it, I'd never heard of the game until my brother was lent a copy from his friend to play. He recommended the game to me however I ignored his advice as a game about "lawyers and courtrooms and stuff", as he described it, didn't really appeal to me. Thankfully one day I was bored enough to go hunting for random DS games to play on my Supercard DSOne and I decided I'd check out Phoenix Wright, I mean if I didn't like the game then I didn't like it, I'd just delete it and be on my way. So I got the game and the Ace Attorney series has been sitting somewhere up the top of my "greatest game series of all time" charts. I highly recommend that everyone plays this game at least to about 2-3 cases in (as the first case doesn't feature investigating), the worst is you don't like the game and then go about your business playing something you do like in the end it's only 30 MB, however you could end up, like me, discovering one of the best games of all time. PLAY IT!
I highly recommend this excellent game
Awesome game! I tried it after watching the hilarious youtube video "Boot to the head". Yeah, there isn't much replayability, it's extremely fun nonetheless.
Such a fun game, I reccomend it for you to download!
The first ever game that I played on the DS...!!! Absolutely brilliant gameplay (albeit it's driven by really zany characters and a little tinge of sheer frustration during the investigation phase) but once that "Objection! 2001" song plays... Lets just say that the thought of pursuing a career in LAW is imminent...!!!