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Full Name Knife Edge - Nose Gunner
Filesize 4.1 MB
Region usa europe japan
Languages usa japan
Can Download No



Could anyone rate this game against the console version? Is it better or worse i kinda enjoyed the console version so... Any ideas on how they compare?
It better be worth it...
Wow! I just played this game for about 2 hours and it was truly fun and interesting! It has followed the storyline so far. The characters are so real-like! They can gather all types of things to aid them in their quests. They talk to the creatures, fight Ice Queen soldiers and wolves, collect crystals, it's a very good game. More on the level of older children (pre-teen/teen/adult) because there is so much reading as you work through it. Highly recommended!
how does the game relate to the film/movie?
the game is a little like like the film XD
I've watched the film and its ok so i dunno what the games like lol any ideas ????