Full Name Sesame Street - Elmo's Letter Adventure
Filesize 4.9 MB
Region usa
Languages usa
Can Download No



wow this really is the first one "staaars" completeted this many years ago
this game is awesome it's a bit hard for me though also this game is way underrated
@chancayano The original game used these cutscenes as well! The entire point of them is to be cheesay and laughable. The DS game is an EXTREMELY faithful port. It may not be the same as modern RE games but it is still a fantastic, nostalgic port
On my very very first run I have finished this game in 1:30:15!
Man, I downloaded this game just for the horrible dialogue! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRpKbfrMvNo Ahh, the memories... :)
@sohakes theres already a game with 256gb its called LEGO Rock Band its a new game try downloading it very fun
hope it is good
is it worth downloadin? i have a slow internet and that will take a good 20 mins. please reply
A good old game which has made yet another re-make reappearance :D
sweet!!!didnt know it was remake or the origanal...te origanal is one of the must play games of all time must play it on either saturn emulator or ps1 or buy if possible
ive played this game like 5 times always get up to the same pint after the piano bit and it just freezes and wipes everything i dunn so i find it poinleess good game though really simple its just common sencse
@urmull im glad sumbody noticed that it wasnt a first person shooter, i was not sure, but i thought it was. i havent played it for a while, and other shooting games can throw you off... since playing 4, ive wanted 2 play a ds res. evil game