Full Name X'treme Roller
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best japanese dictionary on the ds so far! quite good as an denkijisshoo substitute, if you don't have the money to buy one.
I had beaten this game in few hours. After beating it , you unlock the boss character with is insanely powerful. I was so happy i rented it and i didn't buy it!
I loved this game as a kid! It was always a blast to play alone or with friends, and if you're into Xena or just into 3D fighters (unlike side-scrollers like MK) this is a fun one to try. Each character has a unique special move, which makes trying new characters really fun. <3
All the heroes from the television series come together and fight mono a mono. The Graphics are choppy but the characters look good for a Nintendo 64. It's not as bad as the reviews it got but it's nowhere near the same level as Street Fighter. I managed to defeat the computer with on well timed combo everytime.
Gentlemen, this is the mother-load, the cornerstone, the holy-freaking-grail of DS software for us Japanese majors. You will eat with it, you will sleep with it, you will take your morning dump with it while trying to find the meaning of that kanji with so many strokes and radicals that you just wanna crawl into a ditch with just a tiny hole at the top so you don't suffocate in your own spite, just to get away from it. You will spend more time with it than your girlfriend to the point where she has to resort to buying her own DS and messaging you in the inbuilt pico-chat pleading "Robert....please, talk to me." If you're considering learning Japanese to impress that hot exchange student or otherwise, yes, get this. I COMMAND IT.
omg this was hilarious! comment of the year 5/5!!!! now I even feel that I must buy the game for my DS...
Is there a translator that helps translate sentences and not just words on the ds?
I've studied Japanese for a long time (reasonably good, too), and I thoroughly recommend this software. If I forget to take my electronic kanji dictionary to class, this is a handy substitute. Not only that, if I encounter a kanji that I don't recognise, all I need to do is enter in the kanji (or kango) and voila (90-95\% of the time), it's there. Also, @ windam & amducias: That is a problem sometimes, however, if your kanji is close in appearance to what you want, then all you need to do is (I'm assuming that people are using stuff like the R4; I don't know about emulators) touch the kanji with your stylus, and 10 close variants will pop up. 9/10, the kanji that you were looking for will be there, and you can substitute your incorrect kanji with the correct one by touching the new kanji with the stylus. Be warned that this will only alter one character at a time & make sure that your input has not been completely selected (only the one you wish to change), otherwise the character you substitute in will wipe everything highlighted. To make sure that not everything is highlighted (only one character), first touch the bar that the characters appear in (after you've entered them in), then touch character X accordingly. 100/5, fantastic software! Pretty much esssential if you've got a DS and are studying Japanese.
Holy cow. i will download it. think it beats almost any taiwan made palm-os system at the price of the DSLite+game price. &atilde;ƒ&shy;&atilde;ƒ &atilde;ƒ&not;&atilde;‚&curren;&atilde;‚&middot;&atilde;ƒ&uml;&atilde;ƒ&sup3;, &aelig;œ&not;&aring;&frac12;“&atilde;&laquo;&atilde;‚&atilde;‚Š&atilde;Œ&atilde;&uml;&atilde;†&atilde;”&atilde;–&atilde;„&atilde;&frac34;&atilde;™!
Absolutely genius! great program
When writing kanji, the order in which you write the strokes of the character are important for the recognition software. so even though your character may look identical, if you wrote it the wrong way, it may be read incorrectly.
This is a really great ROM for those studying Japanese... for those who are just starting to learn the language, you need to know first how to read the katakana and hiragana to enjoy this ROM. One downside that I've encountered is the kanji writing, sometimes it gives you the wrong kanji eventhough you've written it correctly.
If you are studying japanese, this is, to put it real simple, A Must-have ROM!! Screw Palmpilots and all that stuff, this is, by along way, the only tool you will need! Excellent dictionary and input recognition. &atilde;‚&not;&atilde;ƒ&sup3;&atilde;ƒ&atilde;ƒƒ&atilde;ƒ†&atilde;‚&macr;&atilde;ƒ&not;&iuml;&frac14;&iuml;&frac14; r