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Full Name 0435 - Over the Hedge (U).7z
Filesize 22.8 MB
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What do you mean by "gameplay is horrible?" I loved this game. It's like metal gear solid mini with furry critters. Unrefined as hell and the story and presentation suck, but the gameplay is what really made it worth the price. (Yes, I bought it way back when) It sucks to see this game go by the wayside just because it didn't sell. They made a sequel, and it should have been the perfect time to refine all the missing or broken elements and make a truly good movie-based game. Adding co-op and secret/extra content - especially post-game stuff - would really bump up an already good game the few more notches it needs to make it a truly GOOD DS title. But instead, they scrapped the whole design for another one closer to the generic beat-em-up that is the gamecube version. No longer constrained by a timeline trying to release alongside the movie, they made a sequel, and shamelessly tucked away their unique approach for a more tried-and-failed-many-times-before-so-why-in-god's-name-make-this-game one. But anyway, yeah. I say this game's definitely worth its salt despite its obvious failures. Personally, I was able to look past those and enjoy the gameplay. :)
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Guys, just a reminder, these comments should be about the game for which you are leaving a comment, not suggesting other games... Having said that, this game is terrible. Gameplay is just horrible.
How come I can't download it?
This games is a great should try ratatouille it's a pretty good game too
I think this game is a good game...Try SmackDown Vs Raw 2008 it's a pretty good game too ;)