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Full Name 0591 - Nintendo DS Browser (E)(M6).7z
Filesize 2.6 MB
Region Europe
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This application is virus free (as in you won't need to worry about getting virus from the internet). You will need a memory expansion slot 2 catridge, i recommend something like EZ Flash 3in1 if you're tech savvy. However, this browser isn't that good. The loading speed is slow.
my gawd.. after all these commennts I still dun understand how to use this thing. :'(
i found a slot 2 memory expansion pack ..., almost wanted to delete it but i finaly found an useful thing to do with :P
So i have an acekard and ez flash 3-1 but it wont work what do i do seph?
I have the supercard lite for gba games for my second slot, does this mean i can get this browser to work?
if you want internet on a ds dont get this just get a dsi rather
i got a R4 (r4 upgrade an r4i) and a E-link gba flash card, does anyone know a rom wich makes the e-link gba flash card look like a memory expansion pack for the web browser?
Save yourself the trouble - apparently, this browser is just plain terrible. No video, no audio, no flash ... It's also really slow.
AFter months of trying to get this to work, I finally found something on GBTemp, I downloaded this from here then downloaded the file from gbtemp called Ewin Nintendo DS Browser patch (EU, Improved!) [ ] to patch it and it actually worked on my NDSlite using EZFlashVi :-) thankyou romulation.
There is another way to go on the internet using your ds using a homebrew and then patching it.
i think i have an link for an expansion pak or that called name... Just download it an IPS patch it (IPS patch included) The link: (my english is very bad, im srry :p)