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Full Name 0661 - Yoshi's Island DS (U).7z
Filesize 18.5 MB
Region USA
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I like this game, BUT i cant even jump with the emulator.
This is a great game kinda like mario
Mmm old school, gotta love the old games
It looks Okay...
You cant go wrong with a Yoshi game
Mmm, I have Yoshi's Island on SNES. So I'll download this one, I do miss playing it.
Is this a port of the snes version like the gba version or is this a different game
I remember the gba version it was awsome this one will be even better
Hehe funny game
This game any different from the gba version? if not, i'll probly play it anyway, yoshi's always been my favorite nintendo charachter (with the possible exception of ness, though he's lesser known)
This game is alright but not wat i was expecting
I really liked this game! :D