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Full Name 0663 - Barbie in the 12 Dancing Princesses (U).rar
Filesize 2.3 MB
Region USA
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when the game freezing save the game like a normal Ds after this reset the game and it not freze
people having problem with this game? see this topic I'm always glad to help
What emulator can I use to play .rar games? or how can i convert .rar to .nds
This is so cool i'm on mega digimon and i've collected all the digimon
is it even better then pokemon??? some people say it is
my digimon is omnimon,magnamon,wargreymon and metal garurumon
this game are very easy by playing cheat or not.
I Love this game, is awesome!!!
Why cant i save the game?
my game keeps freezing right after i meet dark tyranomon it all keeps going on but for some odd reason it wont let me press any buttons or press the screen to keep the convos going, and yes the digifarm popping up freezes saying you have mail! and just stays stuck there any one else have this prob?
Eey Guys I Have A Gekomon From Lvl. 31 But I Want A Whamon From Lvl. 38 But i Can´t Train Gekomon Any Lvl. Higher!
How Can i Make A DIGI-EGG? Please Help me!