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Full Name 0836 - Diddy Kong Racing DS (U).7z
Filesize 18.7 MB
Region USA
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Sounds like a good game but an even better game would be Super smash bros
Nice comments seems like its a good game so i'm gonna download it :)
This game is super awsome i used to play the nintendo version but that was long ago this game is as good or better then M kart
Thanks a lot
Maria kart is really good and this one almost catches up with it
I'll have to disagree because i reckon diddy kong is better then mario kart but only by a bit:)
Its not better than mario kart but its still awesome
Is this better then Mario Kart
What i usually like in a game is the wifi when i saw wifi i was like ooh getting this one
Good Game , love playing it in the car when travelling, Serena bring your PS3 Oh thats right its not portable , sorry you miss out !!!
This is great on ninento 64
Sounds awesome hope it dounloads ok.......