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Full Name 1408 - Scrabble Interactive - 2007 Edition (E)(M2).7z
Filesize 8.4 MB
Region Europe
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Very enjoyable game. A little tricky towards the end in compettion mode.
Excellent game to be played against others!
I cant download it for some reason?!?!?!
Is it in Dutch to?
Really god as you can play with other people by wireless. overall a fab game to play with!!!!!
The junior mode is for when you first create an account, there's a tiny check box underneath where you enter your name that you can select to enable it.
This game has made news because of a few swear words that have been in it. Overall a fun game, haven't found the junior mode that this article talks about. /news/article-1092613/Mothers-fury-Ninte ndo-Scrabble-game-taught-son-swear-words .html
The game is only in english!
Love it, very good game.