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Full Name 2162 - Pokemon Ranger - Batonnage (J).7z
Filesize 10.2 MB
Region Japan
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that game is shadow of almia and are the seconnd part of pokemon ranger! pokemon bangsheed or so is the third an latest part!
I don't understand Japanese but the game is still good.
damn japs <(\_/)> naH IM Not racist I just doNt unDerSTanD JaPaNeSe
is it number 1 or 2
Second Ranger game... Though US version is out.
is it the 3 or 2 ranger game?
its japanese
@Warlord257 This is shadows of almia,Just that it was renamed Pokemon Ranger:Vatonage in Japan (The People who copied the rom named it wrong)
Is this pokemon ranger shadows of almia? or a new one?
Wat is the difference between this and normle pokemon ranger???
This game is the best it is my numberten fav. I wish everyone had it.
Totally awesome