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Full Name 2254 - Summon Night (J).7z
Filesize 46.7 MB
Region Japan
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try this they have lots of PSX cheat codes there
Hello Everyone, I played the Old PSX games of the Summon Night (Japan), does anybody knows any cheat codes available, like max exp every battle?
Twin age is out in english. but thats an entirely different game
Does any one know when English version will be released?
Do keep in mind this is NOT Swordcraft story(which was sorta like a side story),it's the first from the original series of summon night games from the psx and ps2. thought some characters of this game do make a cameo on the swordcraft series.
It's a really good RPG/Tactics game, but if you don't know some Japanese, it will take you a while to navigate through game.