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Full Name 2290 - Speed Racer - The Videogame (U)(M4).7z
Filesize 29.4 MB
Region USA
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I am seriously amazed at how good this plays. If you have been waiting for a decent F-ZERO type game then this is about as close as you are going to get. One of the best movie licences for the DS by far.
When you start the game, it begins with some cool movie scenes. "Wow, so cool. Can't wait to play!" Then, when you deal with the menu, "OMG So it is THIS CRAPPY!?" Then you play it. "This is SO addicting! I know I have to go bed, but Ill race another one..." Okay, so, this is it. Very poor interface, but very nice gameplay. Worth downloading, no doubt about it.
A surprisingly enjoyable game. i don't think i've enjoy a racing game on the DS since mariokart! if you're not a huge multiplayer racer, and enjoy some good graphics and gameplay.. you'll like this game! go speed racer